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Outage Updates

Outage Information

Your water service may be interrupted for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, we are maintaining or repairing our water distribution systems. These actions may include meter changes, main repairs, and service line fixes. We make every effort to notify customers before interrupting service if a service outage is related to planned maintenance or improvement activities. Browse this page to see scheduled shutdowns, emergency notifications, information on what to expect during an interruption, and our service alert map. If you have questions regarding a service interruption, please contact Customer Service at (408) 279-7900

... getting your location

Status Map

Report a Leak

Click here to report a water leak in your area

What To Do After an Outage

Experienced a water outage? Click here to learn what to do next, including how to flush your lines

Leak Repair Process

You reported a leak in your neighborhood. Now what? Click here to learn the step by step process of how leaks get repaired 

My Water is Discolored

Your tap water can sometimes appear cloudy or discolored after a leak repair. Click here to learn about water discoloration, how to treat it, and when to be concerned